Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Neverending Summer it going to be Autumn soon? Ever? This summer has been nonstop. The heat! The humidity! The roller derby! I suppose there is a plus side to everything. Nearly every weekend since April has been consumed by my latest hobby/obsession/love. This past Saturday, we traveled up to Akron to take on Rubber City's Renegades B-Squad. We assembled what we lovingly refer to as our "C-Team" made up of our Gang Green regulars (including some of the last rookie class) plus some secret Charter Team weapons. We completely destroyed them and had one hell of a time doing it. The second half we got to run our "volleyball rotation", which meant I had to *gulp* JAM in a real bout. I have jammed in scrimmage before but with the likes of Pippi Ripyourstockings and Phoenix Bunz on the prowl, let us just say I've never gotten too far. At Rubber City, however, I actually cleared the pack on my first ever jam! The second time was even better! I got my first lead jam, snuck through the pack on the inside, and called it off right before their jammer hit the pack. It felt pretty cool! My favourite thing is still just hitting broads though.

Copyright Timothy Kane
So even fielding players in new positions, we walked away with a 70 point win and had a blast. Pictures from the bout can be found here!!!

On our way up, we stopped at Kill C. Grammar's kingdom, Grandpa's Cheesebarn. This place is amazing. SO MUCH CHEESE!

Yes, they have their own spring water....but oh! The Cheese! I ended up leaving with some nice sage cheese, cheese curds (heaven) in chive, garlic, and hot pepper flavours, and some delicious F.R.O.G. jam (Fig, Raspberry, Orange Peel, and Ginger). They also have milkshakes. I am lactose intolerant. I still drank half of one. Yum. I'm sure we will back there soon.

More good news! I received my Asus Net Book yesterday and I am already in love. This thing is perfect for me and so portable; exactly what I need for all the traveling I plan on doing. The last time I owned a laptop, it ummmm didn't have wireless. I have so been missing out. Of course to protect my new little toy, I am working on a knitted sleeve design. I have some nice blues picked out to complement my pretty blue netbook, including some Roxanne's Mohair from Farmhouse Yarns that is just gorgeous....

On top of all this, my work week has been hectic as hell....I need a break. So..... this weekend we are taking the Gogol Pug Monster out to Lake Piedmont for a night at a cabin in the woods for a shockingly derbyless weekend. I hope I can get some major knitting and reading done and I really hope the temperature is kind to me. COME ON FALL, GET HERE!!!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED watching you jam - you were awesome! And there's a great pic of you jamming too! One day I shall make the Cheesebarn trek & see what all the fuss is about. As for the cabin in the woods - be sure to lock your doors! No one will be able to hear you scream!


Be Nice. I'm a delicate flower.